If we try to minister when our own fuel tanks are empty, we may end up doing more harm than good. We should follow Jesus’ example and not feel guilty about telling others no until we have first sat at the feet of our heavenly Father and received his love and care.
當我們自己的燃料箱已空、還不斷嘗試去事奉的時候, 與其是幫助、反而可能會帶來更大的傷害。 我們當跟隨耶穌的榜樣, 不要因拒絕別人而感到自責, 直到自己能先與父神親近, 在祂跟前得著祂的愛、關照、與更新。
— by Gary Thomas from his book 『When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People』